
Genetic Genealogical Consultant/DNA Testing


Tracing Native American Ancestry
Welcome to my site! Need help in Tracing or Verifying your Native American Ancestry? Let me help you. I was sucessful in tracing and documenting my own Native American ancestry through Genealogical research and DNA testing while obtaining Tribal membership into one of my ancestral tribes.
Like many of you in my Genalogical reserach I had hit many brick walls while researching my family Native ancestry. We had very strong oral history, but the paper trail was difficult in the beginning. I spent over 20 years interviewing elders, looking up documents etc. Then DNA testing came along and Help me to complete the puzzle. It was actually a blessing in disquise. Many things began to fall into place. I never gave up. Old family photos, documents and then more interviews with newfound family members. DNA testing to date is very powerful. It proves paternity, aids with murder cases and have even spared people from being wrongly convicted of crimes they did not commit. Now it is used to help people trace and verfy thier ancestry!!!! Some tribes and tribal organizations have began to use DNA to help assist people in getting membership as I have researched in some instances .
I offer private consultations on a case by case basis with each client based on thier family history. My fees are very resasonable. If you have already done DNA testing and do not know what to do next or would like to have testing done I can adivse on the proper testing options. It can all be done descreetly.  I am a member/Consultant with of the International Society for Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG)http://www.isogg.org/isoggintro.htm.
Please feel free to contact me for assistance below at the e-mail address.
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